I have gotten on SM for the first time in 2023 for a couple of distinct purposes.  I wish they would use English as an option rather than hastily conceived hyrogliphs apparent only in the minds of the programmers.  I find this dispicaple.  Create foreign language options if you need to and put an English option.  Chinese, Hindi, English, Spanish are a good start for the population of the world.  Given this and the invasiveness of those programs on privacy and the neurocognitive ability of the developing brain as as the adult brain, I am using it largely to direct users to this platform which is older, sturdier, better, and less invasive. 

 This for example doesn't need to know my precise location in order to do whatever unless I'm ordering receiving a delivery.  There is no other reason on Earth other than to sell data and create an easier way for the major intelligence services of the military industrial complex to come in through the "back door".  Please view the US of Secrets on Frontline.  2014, ep 12, I think.  It's long but it's worth it and it's based on Mr Snow who can never return until all these old fart babyboomer masters of war die (from natural causes).


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