On a Branch of the Mankind Project: Inside Man

 Each of these men are not only felons but they are on death row usually in California State Prisons (and when a state abolishes the death penalty then the felons invited have “Life in Prison wihout the Possibility of Parole.”  Our men, especially in California out of the LA Branch of the Mankind Project and sometimes other centers (San Diego, San Franciso, e.g.) will enter the prisons by way of a specially designated area set aside  so that the wardens can release these new iniates who are either “Lifers” or “Death Rowers” into this special section of the prsion where they meet our staff and then become the Inside Man branch of the Mankind Project. MKP Staff can then certifiy “Lifers” & “Death Rowers” to become Inside Staff in their own right.  During the next retreat these certified MKP Inside Staff then rejoin our “Outside MKP Staff” before the initiates enter this separation space (other “Lifers” & “Death Rowers” who have yet to attend the retreat). Outside Staff are more than enthusiastic to have Inside Staff to help with the more difficult inmate initiates who will have a diffictul path—especially those on “Death Row” where the appeals process, in my professional opinion, violates the clause in the fourth amendement to the Federal Consitution which addresses “cruel and unsual punishment.” If you want to see more rent or buy the following documentary (you can find it on Amazon, for example, as well as for rental or purchase elsewhere).  This particulary documentary emerged in 2017 “The Work” which they filmed at Fulsom Prison in California:


or you can get in touch with James McLeary who created the Inside Man division of the Mankind Project (fighting toxic masculinity since 1983–first in Madison Wisconsin and then for over a decade, the heart of the Mankind Project hosted the most retreats in “Sweet Home, Chicago.” 

And as of 2016, once we certified some Mexican Staff (with the help of their guides, MKP San Diego) founded MKP Mexico in three regions serving initates some eight hours apart on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in the capital, Mexico City, and on the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore, as of 2018, the Mexican Staff had traveled to Argentina and Chile to help the local men there found MKP Argentina, MKP Chile, and MKP Uruguay! In context, within three years, MKP International (MKPI) found itself not only in Central America but also in South America! The International had never grown so much in such a short time.  

I have heard that long established MKP South Africa has begun to do a similar thing in Angola that can then occur in Subsaharan East Africa.  I see no reason why South Africa cannot use a similar model to that which MKP Latin America has performed, or as, with the help of the (MKP)International, MKP Paris and MKP France, with the help of MKP Germany performed for MKP Spain

Similarly I see no reason why, with the help of the long established MKP New Zealand, and its original guide, MKP Australia, the quite recent MKP Singapore (our only toehold into Asia) cannot follow a similar model for South East Asia and later East Asia!

For more information you can visit the following:



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