
On a Branch of the Mankind Project: Inside Man

 Each of these men are not only felons but they are on death row usually in California State Prisons (and when a state abolishes the death penalty then the felons invited have “Life in Prison wihout the Possibility of Parole.”  Our men, especially in California out of the LA Branch of the Mankind Project and sometimes other centers (San Diego, San Franciso, e.g.) will enter the prisons by way of a specially designated area set aside  so that the wardens can release these new iniates who are either “Lifers” or “Death Rowers” into this special section of the prsion where they meet our staff  and then become the Inside Man branch of the Mankind Project. MKP Staff can then certifiy “Lifers” & “Death Rowers” to become  Inside Staff in their own right.  During the next retreat these certified MKP Inside Staff then rejoin our “Outside MKP Staff” before  the initiates enter this separation space (other “Lifers” & “Death Rowers” who have yet to attend the retreat). Outside Staff are mor

On Novel Adaptations

 Several years ago, by reading Tolkien, Rowling, Martin that novels ought not to be put on the silver screen because two and a half hours (even three) leaves too little time.  For example, in Harry Potter 4 the writers skip the entire narrative about the house elves’ revolt.  We can view these side plots as smaller than the main arcs, sure, but should Tom Bombadill have appeared in the Hobbit?  Granted Tolkien stated with the Hobbit  that he simply wanted to write a long novel to see whether he could do it and thus the Hobbit  rambles like the Picareque novels of the late Renaissance with which, as a professor of Old English, Tolkien would have familiarized himself and may have taught. Meanwhile, then we have two television shows about serial killers Dr. Hannibal Lecter and (nearly a physician who left medical school top of his class) Dexter Morgan.  In both shows we observe the TV writers going off script of the novels.  For example, in one of the later Dexter  novels, once Jeff Linds
 BEGIN WITH SLAVOJ  ŽIžEK'S   SERVICE LABOUR FOR INTELLECTUALS (ORGANIC & ACADEMIC) 2005. Žižek! ,  Zeitgeist Films.  Taylor, Astra, dir.  Watch the first 2 1/2 minutes. n.b. Caveat: Do not mistake this for Nihilism. n.b. He stands before his workplace (2004) in Slovenia.  You can see him comment on it later in the film.
 Buddhism and Population India surpassed China in population this week as China declined slightly and India grew. First, before the following: know that I don't care what your religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to make me believe them. Ever tradition on Earth is about people settling down locally and making stuff up. What you believe is really none of my business. But for me the text is from the 9th century Pali Sutras where the Tibetan/NE Indian Buddhists mention how many people there should be in the world. They said 10,000 people. Now we must bear in mind they didn't know about the New World at all, probably didn't know much about the Vikings, Europe, etc. may not have known about the Phillipines or East of that, probably didn't know about Australia or New Zealand so I say to all the Western Buddhists, there you have it. Adjust for all these other places and maybe you have 150,000 people in the world and that's in a place that has hit around 8 bil
 Chicago Surpasses London as Most Surveiled in the West a Covid mask (no I'm fully vaccinated and healthy) because Chicago has surpassed even London as the most surveiled city in the West. Nobody fucking voted for this. Camera? They purchased it in October 2016. It went live in early January. Do you know what the Chief said when asked by journalists? Oh sure we paid a ton of money but we're not turning on the facial recog. Four months later the Sun Times exposed the Chief had lied. Big fan of investigative journalists.
  A FOLLOW UP TO "A Tale of Two Scottish Referenda and One British" First, the List of Satirists I'm hoping to draft into the Cause: To the Agents: For target audience: I have in mind as prime candidate, Mr. Maher's two projects: Real Time with Bill Maher,  a panel show out of Los Angeles on HBO or his podcast, Club Random , later possibly with traction to be followed the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and The Daily Show (currently guest hosted by a slew of top rate American Comedians).   Currently, The Daily Show rotates hosts after Commonwealth host, Trevor Noah.  This can be good and bad.  Meanwhile once Mr. Oliver is aboard, and remember his former partner is Andy Zaltzman, the other major node in this with ties all over the Commonwealth.  If you do this--if you get your client on Mr. Maher's platform working material on your Supreme Court's unconstitutional, or given you lack a constitution, internationally illegal action to attempt to deny
POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SUBDIVIDING THE US INTO WORKABLE NATIONS 1. Upper CA would seek Canadian-Style Governance. 2. Lower CA would seek something to do with wealth/opportunity and a kind of liberal (not progressive) Democratic Party. 3. Rocky Mountain Station would be Libertarian and would stretch from Alt. Right to Alt. Left.  4. Mexican Border would be Social Democratic (Urban) and Libertarian (Rural). 5. Plains Nation would be Right Wing. 6. Midwest would be Progressive Democratic Party or Leftist. 7. Atlantic would be the same. 8. New England be a mix of nearly everything. 9. GA would be like the Mexican Border. 10. Caribbean be the most interesting stretching the socio-political spectrum.