
Showing posts from April, 2023
 Buddhism and Population India surpassed China in population this week as China declined slightly and India grew. First, before the following: know that I don't care what your religious beliefs are as long as you don't try to make me believe them. Ever tradition on Earth is about people settling down locally and making stuff up. What you believe is really none of my business. But for me the text is from the 9th century Pali Sutras where the Tibetan/NE Indian Buddhists mention how many people there should be in the world. They said 10,000 people. Now we must bear in mind they didn't know about the New World at all, probably didn't know much about the Vikings, Europe, etc. may not have known about the Phillipines or East of that, probably didn't know about Australia or New Zealand so I say to all the Western Buddhists, there you have it. Adjust for all these other places and maybe you have 150,000 people in the world and that's in a place that has hit around 8 bil
 Chicago Surpasses London as Most Surveiled in the West a Covid mask (no I'm fully vaccinated and healthy) because Chicago has surpassed even London as the most surveiled city in the West. Nobody fucking voted for this. Camera? They purchased it in October 2016. It went live in early January. Do you know what the Chief said when asked by journalists? Oh sure we paid a ton of money but we're not turning on the facial recog. Four months later the Sun Times exposed the Chief had lied. Big fan of investigative journalists.